
Vivian Hou is a graphic designer & illustrator based in Toronto, with a primary focus on branding, and editorial design.

Graduated from the School of Visual Arts’ MFAD program, she is dedicated to expanding creative expertise and venturing into new design opportunities.


Vivian Hou is a designer &
visual executor based in Toronto, with a primary focus on brand identity, and editorial design.

Graduated from the School of Visual Arts’ MFAD program, she is dedicated to expanding creative expertise and venturing into new design opportunities.

Pillow-cat Books
Confession Times
Mahjong Generation


05/ Publishing/ Brand Identity

Confession Times

Confession Times is a type-focus broadsheet of love confession. It is unfortunate that “confession pages” in social media have been transformed into a tool for negative and harmful behaviors. As a response to this, we decided to create a printed newspaper that could serve as a platform for respectful confessions. We believe that print media can provide a more thoughtful space for people to express feelings and inspire others to embrace the value of love. 

About Love.
It’s Time to Confess.

Industry: Publishing
Project Type: Editorial Design, Visual Identity
Year: 2023

Print producted under NYTimes.

Comments by Debra Bishop, design director, NYTimes:
“The design of this is beautiful and poetic. I must confess that ‘love as a broadsheettopic can often be unsophisticated but this is cheeky without being cheezy. I love the eclectic font choices. A beautiful job of mixing old design iconography with a modern and fluid design.”

︎Toronto + New York 
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